Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mayday Mayhem - Saily off Umhlanga

The launch was super easy and I put out two strip baits and set off for the barge - in the wake of about another 12 kayaks or so! With about 300m left to paddle i picked up a beaut of a bonnie, about the size of a big mackerel - and quickly got him onto a circle hook trace. I got my yozurri ready and paddled over the wreck, picking up 2 nice mackerels straight a way - I put one in the hatch and the other onto a nylon trace (0.75mm with 6O Diachi lead hook and a small VMC treble). With two baits in the water I started tracking up and down the wreck, and noticed there was quite a lot of surface action about 100m north of the wreck, so I headed out there - almost straight away my bonnie went away, I paddled a few strokes, picked up the rod, and the fish was off... Read the full story

Friday, May 22, 2009

Catching a wave back to the beach.

This is a short video clip of me catching a wave back to the beach after being out fishing on my fishingski.